

Massage and Acupressure Sessions

All sessions are carried out in the client’s home to minimize discomfort and maximize the benefits of the work. We generally work on the floor, wherever the animal is most comfortable.

The first session includes a consultation consisting of a health intake form and physical evaluation (ie; behaviour, gait analysis, range of motion (ROM), etc.) to assess the client’s individual needs and develop a specific plan.  

Restorative interventions used include; Swedish massage techniques, stretching, as well as more focused modalities targeting inflammation, circulation, manual lymphatic drainage, scar tissue, the nervous system, myofascial release, trigger and stress point therapy, and Acupressure. Every session is designed for each animals' unique requirements.

These various modalities help keep your dog in great mental and physical condition to enjoy a long, healthy, happy life, and in the case of injury, illness or surgery, helps ensure they get back to what they love doing sooner and with better results.

All subsequent sessions continue to include ongoing evaluation to monitor progress and changing health concerns.


Accepted payment methods include cash, cheque, and e - transfer

All prices include GST

If you live outside the Vancouver area (ie; Burnaby or Richmond), a mileage/time allowance of $20 -$30 (depending on location) will be added to the standard massage rate.

Massage is covered by several insurance companies if prescribed by a veterinarian. Contact your insurance company for details.

1 hr Massage

1 hr Acupressure



1.5 hr Manual Lymphatic Drainage
